DIARY DATES The dates for TWOAT events are as follows: Our online Auction of artworks many with a local connection runs from Sept 1st to Oct 9th. https://auctionofpromises.com/TWOATArtAuction2023 Our Annual Social Meeting and Dinner is scheduled for October 7th at St John’s Hall. The executors of Geraldine & David Northway’s estate have generously donated usContinue reading
Category: TWOAT
Dates for your diaries
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How to Donate to us
0STOP PRESS We have set up a new online donation facility for TWOAT using CAF donate – please visit our page here https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/22337 Other methods ofSTOP PRESS We have set up a new online donation facility for TWOAT using CAF donate – please visit our page here https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/22337 donating to TWOAT include transferring money directly toContinue reading