TWOAT Christmas Appeal 2015


Our Christmas Appeal this year was aimed at helping the teachers and children that we support at the Pastor’s School in Sierra Leone get through the terrible Ebola emergency. We are saddened to report that the school has been temporarily closed by Government Decree as part of the measures to contain the Ebola outbreak.

The 5 teachers employed with funds that we send still of course need to be paid during this terrible affliction on their country.  We understand that food prices have also increased as a result of the general disruption to normal life, so we plan to send them some additional money from the results of our Appeal both to support themselves and to help any of the children whom they know are in need.

Our Christmas Appeal and Carol singing raised over £1500 but you can still donate more for this very worthwhile cause using the methods outlined below.

Donations can be made either through our VirginMoneyGiving web site (see below) or by passing cash or cheques to our Treasurer, John Tedder at 103 Shelvers Way, KT20 5QQ

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